Dear Students,

I  would like YOU to PLAY AN ACTIVE ROLE in the research and elaboration of some of the topics regarding THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE PLANET EARTH. Thus, I would like to suggest four different options for you so that you can take part in the class preparation for this unit. Choose ONE of these four different PROJECTS, work on it and have it ready to bring it to class on WEDNESDAY 13TH OF MARCH  FOR MY MONDAY/WED GROUPS or on THURSDAY 21ST FOR MY TUES/THURS GROUP, our last session before Easter Holidays.

1.- CHOOSE  a HERO OF THE ENVIRONMENT from this list published by the Time. Read about this person and then do an Oral Presentation in class about him or her: What was this person's significance for the environment? Is he an activist, a scientist, an influential person? Tell us a bit about his or her work and the consequences for the conservation of the environment.

2.- CHOOSE  a SUCCESS STORY of a Biodiversity Proyect. Read about it and come to class ready to share it with us. Where did this project take place? Who carried it out? How did it come about? Does it continue today? Why did you choose to tell us about this one in particular?

3.- CHOOSE AN ANIMAL from the ENDANGERED SPECIES LIST OR ANY OTHER ANIMAL THAT YOU LOVE. Prepare a PROFILE about it. Who is it and where does it live? Can you bring some photographs to class? or maybe prepare a short PowerPoint presentation about it. What is the life expentancy of the species? Is this species important for other animals or plants?

4.- WATCH AND LISTEN TO one TALK in Ted Talks that has to do with some environmental aspect. Summarise the main ideas for your fellow classmates and include your personal opinion about the talk and the thesis it supports.

PUBLISH A COMMENT IN OUR WIKI to let everyone know which CHOICE you have picked.


LAURA DIEZ said...

Hi everyone,
I´m Laura and I think it is a great idea to take part in the elaboration of the unit. I am pretty sure that I will work on one of the Ted Talks for my project.
I hope you enjoy. See you tomorrow in class.

Luis Eduardo Guerrero said...

Hi friends!

I´ve just watched a documentary called "A Crude Awakening - The Oil Crash" and I thought it´s really suitable with all the Earth topics we´re dealing with this last weeks.

It gives us a complete view of the current and worrying situation we face with the increasing shortage of our natural reserves, specially oil. The documentary exposes the problem since its first causes to the effects it´s having and will have in our lifes, with the unavoidable economical and social consequences. It´s also shown how technology could help us to tackle with this growing trouble, but, despite of that, the limitations we have to equalize the low costs and high benefits ratio that oil provides to us.

I really liked this film-documentary which I want to share with all you. It´ll leave you thinking about our irresponsible consumption and what we´re leaving to our children and next generations...

Hope you like it too! Regards ;-)
(Language: English | Subtittles: Spanish | Duration: 1h 22min)

(I´ll be very grateful if you correct any grammatical mistake you could find in this post, thanks!)